When a long haul trucker is on the road it can get lonely. Some commercial truckers take their pet with them on the road to ease the drive. J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC has a commercial truck insurance policy that protects your dog or cat at no charge. Pets are part of your family, and when you take them with you in the commercial truck, they’re your passengers, too. Our company offers up to $1,000 of coverage for your dog or cat if they’re injured or worse when you’re in a car accident, or during a fire or theft. And, it’s free! That’s right. The Pet Injury coverage is automatically included in your Collision coverage. Pet injury coverage is now available when you purchase a Florida commercial truck insurance policy, Texas commercial truck policy or a Georgia commercial truck policy. If you have a best friend that travels with you on the road be sure to ask your agent at J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC for a commercial truck insurance quote with our A+ rated insurance company that offers pet injury coverage for free.