Each State has insurance requirements in order to be considered legally insured. When purchasing your Florida truck insurance you are required to have a minimum limit of $10,000 personal injury protection coverage. When you purchased your Florida truck insurance did your agent inform you of the benefits of this coverage? You are paying your truck insurance agent to shop your insurance for the best coverage at the most competitive pricing. Being a knowledgeable truck insurance agent and taking the time to explain your Florida Truck Insurance policy should not be forgotten. The more you understand what your policy covers and how that coverage takes effect will only benefit you in the event of a claim.
Personal Injury Protection coverage provides payments for appropriate benefits if an insured, or other persons covered under the policy, is injured in an accident. PIP has three parts – (1) medical benefits: coverage for the cost of treatment the insured receives from hospitals, doctors and other medical providers; (2) disability benefits: reimbursement for certain expenses that result from injuries, such as lost wages or any reasonable expenses incurred in obtaining services from others during a period of disability; and (3) death benefits: benefits payable if an insured dies because of bodily injury sustained in an accident.
J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC is here for you when you are ready to purchase your Florida truck insurance. Give one of our licensed Florida commercial truck agents a call to ask any questions regarding coverage requirements that you should have to protect your Florida trucking business.