As a commercial truck driver, you are going to be living and working in your truck. You are going to need to make sure that you have everything that you need for your trip (whether you are going for a day or two weeks). You can stop and get a few items as you need them, but it is much better to have most of your bases covered before you leave.
Here are some supplies that are good to have handy in your truck.
Wallet. You should never leave home without your wallet. It might be a good idea to have an emergency credit card, as well as an extra copy of your CDL. If you are ever injured, it would also help to have a list of your emergency contacts in your wallet.
Your phone and a charger. Though most people don’t go anywhere without their phone, you will definitely need it while you are behind the wheel. In fact, you probably use this more than you imagined. It will help you get where you are going, stay in touch with loved ones, and even help you plan your next move. Many truckers have to contact a broker to give them their next trip, so you are going to need to be able to keep in touch with them.
Your clothes. You are going to want to bring a few sets of clothes, especially if you are going to be on the road for a few days. Even if you aren’t, you may want to bring extras in case you get dirty or wet. Nothing is worse than driving home soaking wet because you didn’t bring anything extra to wear. If the weather could possibly change (like in the winter), you may want to pack an extra sweatshirt, coat, and even some extra boots!
Shower things. If you are on the road for a few days, you may want to stop and take a shower at a rest stop. You are going to want to have a bag that you can easily carry with your shampoo, soap, towel, and fresh clothes. You don’t want to have to drag your whole suitcase into the shower area!
Cooler. You are going to want to have a cooler filled with water and other drinks, so that you can stay hydrated while you are on the road. You may also want to store some healthy snacks in there. Being on the road is no reason for eating a diet full of fast food!
Plenty of food. No matter how long you are planning on being gone, you should have extras, just in case the weather changes. For this reason, you should have plenty of food to eat. You may want to store some canned goods in your truck to have whenever you need it.
First aid kit. If you are on any medications, you are going to want to bring them along (and a few extra in case you are out longer than you are supposed to). You may also want to carry some pain medications, as well as something for upset stomachs. Bandages and stuff to clean up wounds will also be helpful. Too many truckers bang up their fingers when they are loading or even fixing their truck.
An app on your phone with a map. You are going to want to be able to get where you are going, no matter what the road throws at you. For this reason, many truckers depend on an app to get them to their destination (and back).
A road atlas, just in case. If your phone loses power (and you didn’t bring a charger), you are going to want to have a road atlas available. This will help you get where you are going, even if you don’t have your phone!
When getting an atlas, there are a lot of different choices. Some are even free! That being said, it may be better to buy a laminated one so that it will withstand the test of time (and even coffee being spilled on it)!
Window cleaner. You never know when your window might get dirty, and we all know how hard it is to see out of a dirty window. By having window cleaner available, you can pull over and make sure that you can see good enough out of your window.
Gloves. You are going to want to protect your hands with a good pair of gloves. You won’t only be wearing them during the winter months. They will also protect your hands whenever you have to work on your truck.
Flashlight. Flashlights come in handy, so you may want to have a few stored in your truck. You can use them if you wake up in the middle of the night and need to see what you are doing. You may also need one in case you break down when it is too dark to see clearly.
Batteries. You are going to want to have spare batteries. You would not want your flashlight battery to die!
Various tools. Since your truck is your workspace, you are going to need to bring tools along to keep it going. You should always have wrenches, screwdrivers, and other tools that you think you may need. Never leave home without an air hose. Duct and electrical tape are also handy to have around. It may save you from calling for backup. You may be able to fix something quickly on the side of the road, so you can get right back to work.
Extras. You are going to want to make sure that you have extra fluids, such as oil, just in case, as well as spare bulbs in case your headlights go out.
Before you go on the road, you are going to want to make sure that your truck is well stocked. You don’t want to find yourself stuck out in the weather and unable to get home for a few days, without being prepared. You also need to make sure that you are comfortable for your trip. Taking plenty of food, drinks, and clothes are essential for a good drive.
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