Trucking insurance is dependent on a number of factors, such as experience, driving history, your inspection and compliance histories, and the routes you take. While remaining compliant with federal and state regulations is crucial along every step of your route, it’s being even more closely monitored on Interstate 57 in Illinois.
Because of increasingly dangerous driving conditions along the interstate, the state’s District 13 has hired additional state troopers to patrol the area and pull over vehicles. While this change does not focus exclusively on commercial drivers, more semi-trucks and large vehicles are getting stopped for safety inspections and paperwork compliance. The officers are ensuring that drivers are complying with mandatory driving hour maximums and have any relevant medical paperwork completed. They are also checking vehicles for CSA violations, such as broken lights, obscured reflector tape, worn tires, and braking systems that aren’t up to code. The Illinois State Police are concerned about the growing number of wrecks in the area that involve commercial vehicles and have stated that the recent increase in truck inspections is just part of their plan to make the area safer.
While safety initiatives and increased inspections can slow down your route and seem like traps to reduce commercial traffic in the area, they are incentives to make sure your vehicle stays safe whether your destination is in Indiana or you’re just driving through the state. Make sure your truck complies with regulation and your paperwork is in order at all times and especially before entering I-57. If you want an insurance premium that matches your history of good driving, go to J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC to look at your options. We also provide commercial truck insurance in the following states: Florida, Georgia, Texas, North Caroline, South Carolina, Tennessee, Iowa, and Nebraska.