Illinois Tow Truck Insurance News: “Scott’s Law” Enhanced
Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law three new enhancements to “Scott’s Law” aka the “Move Over Law” on July 30, 2019 in Rockford, IL. The law requires all drivers, including commercial big rigs, to move over to the left lane when passing emergency vehicles on the highway. If a driver cannot move over, they are required to slow down and exercise due caution.
Tow truck drivers in Illinois obviously spend a lot of time on the shoulder of the road. Hopefully they’ll feel safer when the amber lights are flashing as stiffer punishments apply to highway drivers.
Enhancements to Illinois Scott’s Law:
1. Fines & Penalties Increased: Drivers in Illinois who do not slow down or move over to provide room for a traffic stop or tow truck on the shoulder shall be fined a minimum of $250 but up to $10,000 for the first offense. Additional offenses will result in a fine of $750 – $10,000. Also, if a driver is breaking Scott’s Law and does damage to a parked vehicle on the side of the road, they are guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
2. Establishes a Move Over Task Force & Scott’s Law Fund. The fund will be used to hire off-duty officers to educate the public on the Move Over Law. It will also fund materials to promote the law. The money will come from local arrests & tickets. For example, individuals charged with drug related traffic felonies will put $500 of fines into the fund.
3. Work Zone Fines & Penalties Also Increase. Illinois will have a budget to hire off-duty troopers to sit and monitor work zones.
Dedicated to Lieutenant Scott Gillen, Trooper Christopher Lambertand, Trooper Brooke Jones-Story and all other Illinois law officials who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty, you can read the entire bill here.
At J.E.B. Insurance Services we respect Illinois tow truck drivers for the dangerous job they do. We know you’re out there regardless of inclement weather or time of night. If you’d like to learn more about Illinois Tow Truck insurance contact us.