Bobtail insurance is an inexpensive type of trucking coverage. It’s a bit different from most policies. After all, a car is always a car, but a bobtail is only a bobtail sometimes. Let’s take a look at when this insurance goes into effect, what protection it provides and how it compares with non-trucking liability.
A bobtail policy only offers financial protection when you’re driving a truck with no trailer. This liability insurance compensates for injuries or damage that you cause; it won’t fund your truck’s repairs. It doesn’t pay for your hospital visits, but it could supply the money you need for related legal expenses.
This coverage remains in effect regardless of whether you use the vehicle for personal or business purposes. If you drive for a non-commercial reason after attaching a trailer, you won’t be covered by this insurance. Such situations call for a non-trucking liability plan.
An NTL policy is different because it exclusively provides coverage for personal travel. It covers the truck both with or without a cargo trailer. The main advantage of a bobtail policy is that it also insures commercial trips.
If you travel from your home to a warehouse without pulling anything, bobtail insurance will supply liability protection during this trip. The same goes if you return home, go to a restaurant or drive from a store to a warehouse with no trailer. If you plan to visit a relative while pulling a trailer, you should carry NTL coverage.
To sum it up, this kind of insurance is a vital yet economical service for anyone who ever drives a commercial truck without a trailer. We can provide you with an affordable liability policy that genuinely meets your specific needs. To learn more about this coverage or request a quote, please contact us today. We provide bobtail and all other commercial truck insurance coverages in Florida, Georgia, Texas, Illinois, Iowa, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina and Nebraska.