Florida Rig Insurance Protects You
When large commercial trucks and rigs get into accidents, it usually causes more damage than normal car collisions. This can be very costly to your company if you don’t have a comprehensive commercial truck and rig insurance plan.
In Florida, statistical data shows that in 2011 there were a total of 227,998 accidents, while shockingly, in 2012 there were a total of 281,340 accidents – that’s an increase of approximately 19% in accidents between 2011 and 2012! Given these statistics, you should take extra precautions with your trucking operations by considering purchasing more comprehensive coverage for your rigs.
Even if your drivers are very careful – there have been many bizarre accidents in Florida involving trucks. A recent news article reports how a twenty-seven year old was killed, while driving in Florida, indirectly by a large rig. He was driving on I-95 when a large truck’s wheel came loose and bounced off the divider and struck his windshield. The truck was all the way on the other side of the freeway, going the opposite direction, yet still managed to become responsible for the wrongful death.
In another recent news article, near Orlando, a big rig driver swerved to avoid hitting an animal – which resulted in the truck hitting the guardrail, dislodging a piece of it – which propelled into the truck’s cabin, injuring the passenger’s knee such that the whole leg had to be amputated. In a lawsuit, there would be at least an award for lifetime damages for pain and suffering and projected decrease of quality of life.
Be prepared for any accident your truck drivers may get into by considering any of J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC’s plans.
We are a family-operated insurance company specializing solely on insuring trucks. We have highly-adaptable plans – so don’t worry about not finding one that suits you – you can probably make your own! We have many decades of experience – and we’re all about serving you and your needs. Contact us today for more information about our rig insurance coverage for Florida!