Many times, your commercial truck liability insurance insurance in Florida will depend on you knowing exactly what the job is and communicating with your insurance broker. Ask the right questions up front, do your research, and read your policy in order to ensure you are saving money on your liability premium.
First, know the types of loads you will be hauling. If you will be hauling hazardous materials, you need to ensure that is covered in your liability insurance policy in case there is a spill. However, if you never haul hazardous materials, talk with your insurance broker and make sure you are not paying extra for potential hazardous spills. If you will only haul hazardous materials on an occasional basis, talk with your insurance broker to see if you can add a supplemental policy that you pay for only when hauling hazmat materials. A caution though, ask your insurance broker if there is a waiting period before the supplemental policy goes into effect. In other words, do you need to have the policy current thirty days before hauling hazmat materials?
Second, if there are two drivers, who has the best driving record? Also, who does insurance consider to be the safest driver? List the safest driver as the primary driver on the truck. This is the driver who has the least amount of driving violations and has taken a driving safety course. Taking a safety course every year or two is a great way to lower your insurance rates. Also, the primary driver should be the person who is between twenty-five and sixty-two years of age in order to save money on truck liability insurance. Just as with cars, most of the time females pay lower rates for trucking liability than males. So, if there are two drivers, choose the person considered safest by insurance as the primary driver and the second person as the secondary driver.
Spend time asking insurance brokers these types of questions and take time to analyze the types of loads and who is the safest driver. Doing this work up front can save you money on your trucking liability insurance. If you have questions about commercial truck liability insurance in Florida, contact us and we will gladly answer your questions. We offer insurance for commercial trucks in Florida, Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska