Safe working conditions are a must across all industries, but they’re especially vital in jobs with long shifts and quickly shifting conditions like semi truck driving. Focusing on reducing repetitive strain injuries, keep drivers safe from icy steps and platforms, and encouraging breaks are all good strategies to keep drivers safe and healthy. But implementing measures for protecting eyesight can be just as important. Here’s how you can make your trucks safer:
Add tint to the windshield to filter both sunlight and night glare.
Many of your drivers will be wearing sunglasses, but they might not have polarized or color-tinted lenses that help keep their eyes safe from stress. Eye fatigue makes it harder to see obstacles in the corner of their vision or notice tiny details. It’s also a distraction. Add the tints to your vehicles’ windshields to make sure all of your drivers are covered.
Make your mirrors easier to reposition to prevent glare.
Sunlight streaming through the windshield is easy enough to deal with. It’s the sunlight catching in the mirrors that can be dangerous. If drivers can’t easily position the mirrors, they can’t see what’s behind them. Consider adding automatic mirrors that drivers can adjust from inside the car and add-on mirrors that can be adjusted separately from the main side mirrors.
Organize schedules to allow for more regular sleep schedules.
Both employees and contract drivers are responsible for having enough sleep to do the job, and regulations mandate how long breaks have to be. But assigning drivers schedules that radically rotate that break from the evening to the early morning and back again is rough on drivers, and it increases eye fatigue. Try to keep schedules consistent or change them gradually.
Keeping your drivers healthy and safe is an essential part of keeping your business healthy and safe. Go to J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLCfor more tips and insurance information. We provide commercial truck insurance in the states of Florida, Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois, Iowa, and Nebraska.