The simple truth is that, as a society, we are too busy doing too many things at once. We are on our phone as soon as we wake up, until we fall asleep at night. We text during dinner and even when watching movies. Even when we are supposed to be paying attention, such as when we are driving or are in school, we are too busy doing too many things at once.
When you are a commercial truck driver, focus is essential for safety. You need to keep your eyes on the road, in order to keep everyone safe. Here are some tips to stay focused while you are on the road.
Put the phone down. Phones are the number one cause of accidents, so it is important to put your phone down when you are behind the wheel. Since most people have their phone handy, even when they are driving, it is important to follow through with this commitment. It takes at least three weeks of driving without your phone for you to stop looking for it. For that reason, you may want to start by hiding it in the glove box, so you can’t even be tempted to check it. You may also need to leave it in your bunk so that you can’t easily grab it.
If you need to have your phone close (like for the maps), make sure that you put the do not disturb on. This will keep your phone quiet, even if someone is trying to reach you through calling, email, or even text messages. You may even want to go a step further and put on an auto reply, that tells people that you are driving and that you will call them back when you are able to.
Know where you are going before you leave. Another common reason for accidents includes not knowing where you are going. Trying to find out how to get where you are going can lead to quick stops and frequent turnarounds. Trying to open a map to figure out where you are going, or trying to search for directions on your phone while driving can be quite dangerous.
So, before you even leave, make sure that you have the map all ready, and you know where you are heading. If you are using your phone for directions, make sure that the address is all plugged in and ready to go. That way, you don’t have to be fiddling with your phone or the map when you should be focusing on the road.
Limit passengers and pets. If you drive for a commercial company, you may not be allowed to have anyone with you when you are driving. However, your company may allow you to bring your pet along to keep you company on the long drive. If you own your own company, you may bring your children to work for the day. You may also decide that you want to bring your dog along when you are going to be gone for a few days.
However, this can be quite distracting for many drivers. If you are unable to concentrate because your passengers are keeping you from focusing on the road, you may want to keep them at home. The company is not worth having an accident because you can’t concentrate on the road.
Get your playlist ready before you go. If you are going to be gone for several hours (or even days), you may want to have your playlist ready before you go. Otherwise, you will be trying to switch the radio or even look for the newest podcast, when you should be paying attention to your driving. So, have all of your podcasts easy to find, if that is what you enjoy listening to. If you prefer books on tapes, make sure that they are easy to get to, so you can easily go from one to another, while your head is on the road.
Don’t get ready in the car. Even though you can’t imagine it, the truth is many people get ready when they are in the car. This may include changing clothes, putting on makeup, or even shaving. All of these things need to be done, before you start the truck each morning!
Set aside time for socializing. Though smartphones are great, they can also be a big distraction. It is really nice to be able to communicate with people, no matter where they are. However, that can be a big distraction for drivers. So, when you are on the road, you may want to set up clear times to talk with your loved ones at home. Make sure that they know that you don’t want to pick up the phone when you are driving. Instead, let them know when you are going to be stopping and when you are available to chat.
Instead, embrace your alone time. When you are driving, you should use this as a time to be alone. Quiet time just doesn’t happen in this day and age. However, when you are behind the wheel, you can focus on what you are doing. Don’t worry about any phone calls, emails, or social media. Just think about the open road. Look at the scenery. Focus on the cars around you. You don’t have to think about anything other than getting where you are going!
It can be hard to spend hours behind the wheel. It may be even worse if you are on the road for days at a time. However, you can do it. All you need to do is put your cell phone away. Don’t take any phone calls when you are driving. Don’t pick it up to check for the latest posts on Facebook. It can all wait until you reach your destination (or you take a break). If you are away from your family, schedule time to talk to them, when you aren’t driving. Instead, focus on the journey!
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