Spring Season is here and with that brings some unpredictable weather. Tornado Season has arrived early and hit the Dallas Texas area today. When shopping for commercial truck insurance it is important that you have physical damage coverage for your tractor and trailer in the case of an unexpected weather event. Physical Damage for your commercial truck provides coverage for direct physical loss to equipment you own or lease that is scheduled on your policy. This coverage typically pays up to the actual cash value of the property and is subject to a deductible. In the event of a tornado you want to make sure you have comprehensive insurance. Comprehensive insurance will cover your unit in the event of a loss or damage to your vehicle caused by other incidents other than collision. Example would be fire, theft, vandalism, windstorm or contact by an animal. Commercial truck collision provides coverage in the event of a loss or damage to an insured vehicle caused by a collision or overturn. When purchasing commercial truck insurance it is easy to look at the bottom line in pricing. Don’t overlook the fact if you are involved in one accident or a natural weather disaster it could wipe out your entire business if you have no physical damage coverage. Give J.E.B. Insurance Services, LLC a call to see how we can assist you with getting the best commercial truck insurance coverage at affordable rates.