Commercial Truck Insurance Blog

4 Trucking Etiquette Practices for the New Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Driver

Holding the door open for the person behind you or not cutting in line at a store checkout are common courtesies that people extend to one another in public places. Likewise, the trucking industry has its own set of unwritten rules that commercial or owner operator truck drivers extend to one another on the road. Many of these courtesies are more than simple politeness, they […]

Commercial Truck Drivers in South Carolina: Why Some Aren't Wearing Seat Belts

Drivers who already have commercial truck insurance sometimes overlook the most important insurance policy of all: wearing their seat belts. Seat belts cost nothing to use but can save drivers from hospital and medical bills, lost income, lost careers, and even lost lives. Most truck drivers who don’t wear seat belts state discomfort as their primary reason. They often have additional arguments for not wearing […]

Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Insurance Provider Explains Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition where your breathing momentarily stops for a few seconds or longer while sleeping. These pauses in breathing can occur every minute or two throughout the night. This causes a buildup of carbon dioxide in your bloodstream that interrupts your sleep. The interruptions prevent quality sleep and leaves you feeling tired and sleepy during your waking hours. This is not a […]
