Many people are concerned about the environment, and they are working toward living a more green life. They want to avoid leaving waste, if they can help it. They recycle and buy smart. These people are dedicated to doing whatever they can to help the environment. They want to leave it a better place than it is now.
While truck drivers don’t seem to be the easiest people to go green, they can. It just takes a few changes, and it can make a real difference in the environment.
So, why should I go green?
- It saves money.
- It is good for the planet.
- It isn’t too hard to go green.
So, how can you do more to become more eco-friendly?
Plan your routes. By planning out where you are going, you can become more conscious about it. If you know where you are going, you aren’t going to be wasting time (and gas) to figure out where you are going. You also won’t have to fill up your tank as much, which will help you save money.
You also want to drive when there is less traffic. Less traffic means less idling, which can burn through gas fast. Starting and stopping a lot will eat up fuel, so it is much better to drive when you can just go. Plan on going before or after rush hour.
Use apps for any unseen circumstances. Accidents and detours occur regularly, so you can’t avoid them. However, if you use some apps for truckers, you might be able to avoid any of the problems. Many regular drivers use Waze. It is also great for commercial truckers because it will show you where there are detours and what you can do to get around it.
Fill your gas tank in the morning. Fuel expands in the heat, so as the day goes on, you won’t be able to put as much fuel in it. This means that you will have to stop more often to fill up your tank.
Drive smart. Driving a steady pace is good for the economy. You will use less gas because you won’t make the engine work as hard. Starting and stopping can be hard on a vehicle (and your gas mileage). It can also put extra pressure on your engine because you try to make up lost time by driving as fast as you can. Stopping a lot (and hard) can be hard on your brakes, meaning that you will have to replace them sooner. It is much better to drive a steady pace.
Turn your truck off if you are going to be waiting a while. Though many truckers leave their trucks run while they are in the convenient store or loading, the truth is that idling can really take a lot of fuel. If you are going to be sitting for more than ten or fifteen minutes, it is much better to shut it off than let it idle.
Use electronic logging devices. It is much better for the environment if you go paperless. So, even if you aren’t too happy about the ELD mandate, the truth is that it is much better for everyone. Log your hours in electronically or through your phone instead of using paper. You could be saving up to seven trees in a year, just with your logging!
Make sure that you recycle. Even if you recycle when you are home, doesn’t mean that it is easy to do when you are on the road. You probably just throw all of your trash and recycling in the corner of your cab and throw it out when you are fueling up at a gas station. However, you can recycle on the road. There are plenty of gas stations that offer recycling. Make a separate pile of things that can be recycled, and look for the recycling sign at your next stop.
You should also use reusable containers. If you bring a lot of things from home, you should get reusable containers. These can easily be cleaned and used for your next trip. Invest in a water bottle that you can refill instead of buying water bottles. If you drink coffee, buy a container that you can fill up, no matter where you go. You should also use canvas bags instead of always reaching for plastic ones. All of these little things can really add up and help the environment (and your wallet).
Take care of your truck. Taking care of your truck is helping the environment. As long as it runs like it should, it will be environmentally friendly. In fact, maintaining your truck can reduce the amount of carbon monoxide emissions that it gives off. It can also help with your gas mileage. If you keep the engine air filter clean, you are improving the efficiency by up to ten percent.
Though it may be overwhelming, you are going to want to go green. It is good for your wallet because you will be spending less money on fuel and the things that you buy. It is good for the environment. Plus, it doesn’t take too much effort to do it!
The best way to go green is by planning out your routes. You are going to want to avoid heavy traffic and getting lost. Could you imagine how much you could save on gas if you didn’t get lost regularly? You should get an app or two to help you with any unforeseen circumstances. They can let you know when there is an accident or trouble on the road, so that you can make the changes needed to avoid it. You also want to drive sensibly. Revving up your engine, driving fast, and then braking fast will all use more fuel. Stay at a steady pace throughout your trip. You should also maintain your truck. It will help with emissions and your gas mileage!
Contact us for all of your commercial truck insurance needs. We are proud to serve Florida, Georgia, Texas, South Carolina, North Carolina, Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, and Tennessee.