Commercial Truck Insurance

Acts of Nature: Why Having Rig Insurance Is Necessary for Good Drivers!

Georgia offers many great products which have major nationwide demand. Georgia’s famous peaches aren’t the only famous one – according to Netstate, “Georgia’s top five agricultural products are broilers (young chickens), cotton, cattle and calves, chicken eggs, and peanuts.” Needless to say, all of these products are being shipped out of Georgia constantly, on a busy, constant schedule. This is where rig operators are greatly […]

Respondeat Superior – Avoid Your Drivers Mistakes With a Comprehensive Insurance Package

Yes, rig operators are in nationwide demand at the moment. Businesses across America are trying to expand, given the receding recession. They are trying to branch out to other states, in an effort to grow their products’ consumers. So more trucks are needed to transport their goods. However, if you’re planning on starting your own rig operations business to take advantage of the business booms […]

Owning A Commercial or Owner Operator Truck: Is Truck Driving Right For You?

Being a truck driver is probably something that almost all of us have thought about at one point in our lives. We have probably tried to think about how it would be if we were one of those drivers on the road with a commercial or owner operator truck. For many of us, our inquiring minds wanted to know what the challenges and excitement would be […]

Commercial Truck, Owner Operator, and Rig Insurance In Florida: Don't Tackle The Challenge Alone

As any kind of business owner, it is important that a person is prepared for nearly anything and everything. When you ensure that your commercial truck or fleet has the right commercial truck, owner operator, and rig insurance in Florida, you are making a smart decision to protect yourself and your business in case there is ever an accident. You will find that you can have […]

Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Insurance In Georgia: Get Your Log Hauler Back On The Road

The insurance industry is not an industry that stands still; it is ever-changing. This year your agent may inform you that you need one insurance carrier, and then next year the agent may recommend that you need to make a switch to a different insurance carrier. What will you do when your insurance agent lets you know that he or she can not find insurance […]

Commercial Truck Insurance : Cell Phone Usage far More Dangerous for Truckers

There’s been a lot of talk lately about the dangers of distracted driving through the use of cell phones. Even so, little has been said about the dangers truck drivers face when texting or talking on a cell phone, even though doing so poses a far greater danger for them. CNN recently reported on this issue, providing some startling statistics on just how dangerous cell […]

How does Daylight Savings Time Affect Truckers

Fatigue is estimated to play a role in one in six crashes. While fatigue is an ongoing problem for truckers, it can be even more noticeable in spring just after daylight savings time is implemented. Does Daylight Savings Time increase the risk of a claim against rig insurance ? Numerous studies have all been performed over the years with some surprising results. Rutgers University professor Isaac […]

Buying Rig Insurance In Florida: All Coverage Is Not Created Equally

Every commercial truck insurance policy is not created the same as the next insurance policy. They are not all created equally. Some insurance policies will benefit the rig owner more than some other policies. A truck driver who leases a big rig or owns a big uses that truck and rig to earn an income for themselves and their families. This is why it is […]

Rig Insurance in Florida and the Positive Effects of Lower Gas Prices on Truckers

People everywhere are benefiting from falling gas prices, and truck drivers are no exception. With the price of diesel falling significantly in recent weeks, commercial truckers everywhere are reaping loads of benefits. Just how much do lower gas prices affect profits and the cost of rig insurance in Florida? The answers are quite startling. According to the American Trucking Associations, each one cent decline in […]

Trucking Companies Are Making More Profit Now Than Ever Before!

The trucking industry is seeing some major changes. According to local Tennessee news, “over the next 10 years… demand for shipping by truck grows…” However, loads are turned down each day due to trucking companies not having the resources to accommodate them. It’s not really a big surprise – “more than 80 percent of all products consumed at home or at work in Tennessee are […]