Commercial Truck Insurance Florida

Cargo Theft Impacts Rig Insurance in Florida

Florida ranks second only to California as a target for cargo theft, raking in millions of tax-free dollars for criminals and costing the public even more in terms of elevated prices. With the Port of Miami within easy reach, it quickly turns into an international crime as well, exchanging stolen goods not just for money, but sometimes for guns, a new twist on an old […]

No Two Businesses Are The Same: Do You Have The Right Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Insurance In Florida?

When it comes to being part of the trucking community, it can be very complicated to deal with claims and other problems you may across. We want to ensure you will find the right insurance company for your needs, just in case you ever run into problems. Are You An Entrepreneur?    Whether you work for a company that uses a fleet of trucks or if […]

Rig Insurance In Florida: Protecting What's Yours

When it comes to hauling those big loads, there are several types of truck trailers that are designed for hauling. When you are hauling thousands of pounds of weight on your truck, you can certainly do some damage to anything you come in contact with. This is why you will need reliable rig insurance in Florida for needed protection. Do Not Underestimate The Importance Of The Cost […]

Hurricane Driving Tips for Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Drivers in Florida

The 2015 Atlantic hurricane season officially started on June 1st and unfortunately for Florida, it and the gulf coast states must bear the brunt of nature’s wrath yet again. According to, a fully developed hurricane can release the wind energy equivalent of a 1-megaton nuclear bomb exploding every 20 minutes. As commercial and owner operator truck drivers in Florida already know, hurricanes are not to […]

Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Insurance Florida: The Parking Problem

Nowadays owner operators don’t just have to deal with the various challenges arising from road construction, heavy traffic and other vehicle related difficulties. They also face a difficult situation when it comes to finding parking spots for their rigs during required breaks, especially now that federal law mandates a certain number of them. According to the Wall Street Journal, the parking situation has literally, in […]

Easy Ways Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Drivers in Florida Can Save Money on Laundry

One of the problems commercial or owner-operator truck drivers in Florida frequently face involves doing laundry. The cost of doing laundry in truck stop laundromats can really add up over time, which is why drivers should look for alternatives. Here are some practical ideas that any trucker can use to help keep laundry costs as low as possible. Locating Alternate Facilities Many times, professional drivers […]

Rig Insurance Florida: The Cost of Crumbling Infrastructure

When it comes to issues affecting commercial truck owner operators on a daily basis, one of the main ones is the state of America’s infrastructure. The trucking industry loses $9.2 billion a year due to traffic congestion alone. According to CBS News, 32% of the major roads in the United States now urgently require repair, and 1 of every 9 bridges is “structurally deficient.” Ray […]

Rig Insurance Florida: Do Tow Truck Operators Need Different Insurance?

Do tow truck drivers need different insurance than standard rig insurance in Florida? The answer is yes and no.  Tow truck owner operators need the same rig insurance as other owner operators in Florida. However, there are additional types of insurance that tow truck operators require. Tow truck owner operators must have liability insurance, in case there is an accident where the tow truck driver is […]

Commercial Truck, Owner Operator, and Rig Insurance In Florida: Don't Tackle The Challenge Alone

As any kind of business owner, it is important that a person is prepared for nearly anything and everything. When you ensure that your commercial truck or fleet has the right commercial truck, owner operator, and rig insurance in Florida, you are making a smart decision to protect yourself and your business in case there is ever an accident. You will find that you can have […]

Commercial or Owner Operator Truck Insurance In Florida: Reduce The Number Of Distractions

Being involved in an accident is never something any driver wants to be part of. However, the circumstances for a truck driver are a little more complex than other drivers. Whether you are driving in beautiful Miami or any other part of Florida, or especially if you have to take your commercial truck nationwide, you will have plenty of things that you have to pay […]

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